Are we headed to a special session?

September 01, 2021 2:29 PM | Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition (Administrator)

Normally, the Kentucky General Assembly convenes each January and works for either 30 or 60 days, depending on the year. Outside of those “session” days, the legislature cannot make any binding decisions. The exception comes to if a special session is called by the Governor.

A special session is one that occurs between the regular sessions, and it can only be initiated by the Governor. The Governor also sets the agenda of what can be undertaken in a special session. 

While no one knows for certain, many signs coming out of Frankfort suggest that a special session could be coming very soon. It is assumed that negotiations are currently taking place between Republican legislative leadership, who control both the House and the Senate, and the Governor. It is likely that whatever will be passed during the special session will essentially already be agreed upon before the legislature ever convenes. That means that the decisions are very likely being made right now. The common thought is that additional NTI days for schools and mask mandates may be on the agenda. However, other COVID related items could also potentially be fair game.

What should you be doing right now?

As always, you, the Kentucky citizen, have an important role. Your State Representative and State Senator both need to hear from you immediately about medical freedom and vaccine mandates. 

If you are a healthcare worker facing a vaccine mandate, let your legislators know how you feel about that. If you’ve been denied a medical or religious exemption, let them know that. If you are employed at any other Kentucky business that is mandating vaccines, let your legislator know that. If you are a college student or employee facing a vaccine mandate, let them know that.  If you are not facing one of these situations, you can still voice your concern for your friends, family, and neighbors who are facing these mandates.

Some other talking points you may want to include, written in your own words:

  • Employees should not be treated as the property of their employer
  • The government tells businesses what they can and cannot do in many situations, so making laws protecting workers from mandates is no different
  • The right to make your own medical decisions while remaining employed should be held above the rights of businesses
  • All Kentucky citizens should be able to conscientiously object to vaccines and medical interventions in all situations
  • Vaccine passports are discriminatory and have no place in Kentucky

Click here to find out who is your State Senator and State Representative. Here is a post with more info.

Sample Email

Below is a sample email outline. Keep in mind that this is just a sample. Please use this inspiration and put your own spin on it. If you get a response from your legislators, please let us know at

Include the word “constituent” in your subject line

Dear Senator/Representative _____,

First paragraph: introduce yourself and state where you live. If you have any connections to the legislator, you can mention that. (Do you go to church together, your kids play little league together, etc?)

Paragraph Two: While SB8, passed during the most recent session, would allow for exemptions from vaccines mandated by the state, I am very concerned about the increasing workplace mandates in our state. I support the right of every person to make their own medical decisions, regardless of whether I would make the same decision for myself and my family. (Insert your own story/reasons)

Closing paragraph: I understand that no bills can be passed until the legislature is in session. Whenever that happens, I ask you to please work to pass meaningful legislation, such as BR106, to protect Kentuckians from workplace vaccine mandates


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